Impinj Speedway Connect Software | Installing the Software

Welcome to this video. Today we will walkthrough installing Impinj’s Speedway Connect Software - a licensed software program that runs on most of  Impinj RFID Readers. If you want to learn about what Impinj’s Speedway Connect Software is, click on the link on screen now for our video overview. Let’s jump in. To watch this video on YouTube - click here.

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If you have already purchased the paid version of Speedway Connect, you should have received an email after your purchase with links about the Speedway Connect Software.

If you are waiting to purchase, or already have, go ahead and navigate to the URL on screen now - forward slash article, forward slash “16 installing speedway connect for speedway revolution reader” separated by dashes. That link is also available here -

Once you are on the article, click on the link “Speedway Connect (Trial Version)” which should take you directly to a download link in dropbox. Go ahead and download the software and unzip the downloaded file if necessary.

After downloading, go ahead and power your reader and head over to your reader’s Web UI. If you do not know how to get your reader’s Web UI, simply type in http : forward slash forward slash speedway r and the last 6 digits of your MAC address. To learn more about your reader’s hostname, checkout our  R420 Unboxing Video, that link is on screen now.

Once you are in the Web UI, click the “Browse” button under “Reader Upgrade” - just like you would for a firmware upgrade.

**It’s important to note that you should install the version of Speedway Connect that correlates with the version of your Impinj reader. For instance, install Speedway Connect version 2.8.0 for Readers with a hardware version 4 and below, and install Speedway Connect version for Readers with a hardware version of 5 and above.

If you have a reader with a hardware version of 4 or below -  click on this link to download Speedway Connect version 2.8.0 

To find out your reader's hardware version - click on the link below for Impinj's article.

Once you click “Browse” locate the Speedway Connect software you just downloaded, and click “open”. Then, beneath that button, click the “Upgrade” link. Your reader should then begin uploading the Speedway Connect Software to your reader, which should take a couple of minutes.

After it is done uploading, you should see a message that reads “Waiting for manual reboot”, at this point, click the “Reboot” link under “Reader Reboot” to start the reboot process. The Reboot status should start a countdown, and will initiate the reboot when ready.

Navigating to the Software

You’ve successfully installed the Speedway Connect Software - now let’s head to the software’s web interface to use it. The URL for the Speedway Connect interface is almost exactly the same as the reader’s standard Web UI, except for one major difference, the Speedway Connect interface has an “s” after the “http”. Type in the new URL which will be http”s”colon, forward slash forward slash, speedwayr and then the last 6 digits of your MAC address.

Once the page opens, you will need to type in the user id and password, which is the exact same as the Web UI. The user id is lowercase “root” and the password is lowercase “Impinj”.

To watch our complete walkthrough of the Speedway Connect Software Interface, click on the link on screen now


Thanks for watching this video all about Impinj’s Speedway Connect Software. To watch our video on navigating the Speedway Connect Software Interface, click on this link.

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To read more articles about Impinj products, check out the links below!

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