Impinj Speedway Connect Software | Navigating the Interface

Welcome to this video that will walkthrough how to navigate Impinj’s Speedway Connect Software – let’s jump right in. To watch this video on YouTube,  click here.

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You’ve successfully installed the  Speedway Connect Software - now let’s head over to the software’s web interface to use it. The URL for the Speedway Connect interface is almost exactly the same as the reader’s standard Web UI, except for one major difference, the Speedway Connect interface has an “s” after the “http”. Type in the new URL which will be http”s”colon, forward slash forward slash, speedwayr and then the last 6 digits of your reader’s MAC address.

Once the page opens, you will need to type in the user id and password, which is the exact same as the Web UI. The user id is lowercase “root” and the password is lowercase “Impinj”.

Once you are logged in, you will see that the software is setup in a simple and easy-to-use interface. Now I will walk through the top toolbar and the main categories to give you an idea of this software’s functionalities.

Top Toolbar:

Status - The Status button can be used to enable or disable Speedway Connect. If the Status indicator is red, the software is disabled or paused, if the status indicator is green, the software is enabled and working properly.

Save - The Save button allows you to save your current configurations in a JSON or txt file.

Open - The Open button allows you to open and load a text file or JSON file as the current configuration. After choosing the file to open, the configurations will only be set if you select the “Apply” button.

Collapse All/Expand All - The Collapse all button conveniently collapses or expands all the main categories.

Apply - The Apply button applies the current configurations to the reader.

Help - The help button walks you through the actions you can take within the interface.

Uninstall - The uninstall button uninstalls the Speedway Connect software from the reader.

Main Categories

Reader Settings

Modes - Under ‘Reader Settings: Modes’ users can change settings like reader mode, search mode, session, and population estimate.

Antennas - Under ‘Reader Settings: Antennas’ users have complete control over your antennas, with the ability to change the number of antennas, Receive Sensitivity, and Transmit Power.

Triggers - Under ‘Reader Settings: Triggers’ users can create a triggered event and specify the antenna port, event, period of time, offset, and UTC time. A trigger will tell the reader when to initiate a read sequence, as well as when to end the sequence. Triggers can be set to be immediate, periodic, or based on an input (GPI).

Low Duty Cycle - Under ‘Reader Settings: Low Duty Cycle’ users can configure the duty cycle - which is the amount of time the antennas are transmitting versus not powered. Low Duty cycle can be key to reducing power usage and for reducing the chances of overheating.


Data - Under ‘Output: Data’, users can configure the data output by the software including whether it reports information like the TID number, RSSI, or Timestamp.

Connection - Under ‘Output: Connection’, users can configure the output method for the software - to learn about these 5 different methods in our next video, click here for that link


Software - Under ‘Filtering: Software’ users can effectively filter out duplicate tag reads.

Gen2 (HW Select) - Under ‘Filtering: Gen2’ users can set and use Gen2 filters that filter certain tag reads based on the information contained in one or more of the tag’s memory banks.

Advanced GPO

Under ‘Advanced GPO’ users can enable the general purpose outputs and configure different preset GPO modes depending on certain criteria.

Speedway Connect Administration

Under ‘Speedway Connect Administration’ users can input their paid license key, update the password to access the software, and save the current configurations in different formats.


Thanks for watching this video about navigating Impinj’s Speedway Connect Software. To learn more about the Speedway Connect Software - checkout the videos in the description below or  click this link to jump to our Impinj Speedway Connect video Playlist.

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