Vulcan RFID Iron USB RFID Reader | Reading UHF RFID Tags

Vulcan RFID Iron USB RFID Reader | Reading UHF RFID Tags


Welcome to this video where we will read a variety of UHF RFID tags with the  Vulcan RFID Iron USB Reader.

In this video we will be using two different software programs to read UHF RFID tags - ThingMagic’s Universal Reader Assistant, or URA, and Vulcan RFID’s UHF Tag Read & Write Software. There are a few key differences between these two pieces of software:

ThingMagic's Universal Reader Assistant (URA) - Software Specifics

ThingMagic’s Universal Reader Assistant, or URA, is a free downloadable software that can be used with all ThingMagic RFID readers as well as the Iron USB Reader. It’s essentially a demo software that can be used to read a population of RFID tags, display metrics like read rate and the number of tag responses, configure read and write settings, perform reader diagnostics, allow for reader firmware updates, and a few other specific functions.

Vulcan RFID's UHF Tag Read & Write Software - Software Specifics

Vulcan RFID’s UHF Tag Read & Write Software is a downloadable software program with a one-time fee that can be used with ThingMagic, Vulcan RFID, and Keonn RFID USB readers. It is not meant to read a population of RFID tags - instead, it is meant to be a simple, easy-to-use program that allows you to read and then write to an individual RFID tag. It essentially replaces the hand-encoding of RFID tags and allows users to read, write, lock, and unlock tags and also allows users to leverage an Excel database to write a series of RFID tags quickly and efficiently. It can also be used to configure basic reader settings and a few other specific functions.

First I’ll plug in my Vulcan RFID Iron USB Reader and start reading tags with ThingMagic’s URA.

Reading UHF RFID Tags with ThingMagic's URA

Once I plug in this reader, I’ll go ahead and launch the URA. Once the connection wizard appears, ensure that “Serial Reader” is checked and refresh your Reader Name dropdown until you see your reader appear which is usually displayed as “USB Serial Port”. Then click “Next”

Next, set your Region and ensure that both the Antenna and Protocol boxes are checked, and then click “Next” and then, “Connect”.

I’ll go ahead and place our RFID Sample pack next to the Iron USB Reader and click “Read”. As you can see we are quickly reading all of our RFID tag samples.

If I wanted to change any reader settings - I could jump into Performance Tuning on the right in order to set the read and write power, change the tag population size, toggle between read distance and read rate, and customize the tag response rate as well. Another commonly used customizable area is “Display Options” where users can change features like the tag refresh rate, timestamp information, and EPC format.

Now I’m going to jump to Vulcan RFID’s Read and Write Software.

Reading UHF RFID Tags with Vulcan RFID's Read & Write Software

Once my reader is plugged in, I will go ahead and launch the Vulcan RFID Read and Write Software. Once it opens, I’ll select “Vulcan” in the manufacturer drop-down, “Serial” in the Connection dropdown, and then I’ll click “Scan Available Ports”. The Com Port that your reader is using should populate in the IP Address/COM Port blank as well as in the read box below - when it does, click “Connect Reader”

I’m going to read and write these 5 RFID tags I have out. Once your first RFID tag is on or near your Iron USB Reader click “Read”. When reading a tag, ensure that no other tags are in the read area.

Once the EPC number is displayed in the read box on the right, type in what you would like to change the EPC number to in the Write box and click Write. You will know the write was successful when the read box turns green and displays that the Tag was Written Successfully.

If your read box turns red, it’s most likely because more than one RFID tag is in the read area. IF this happens, either move the tags away or use the Configure Reader dropdown to lower your read and write power, like this and click “save all settings”.

I’ll quickly read and write the next 4 RFID tags. To see how the Vulcan RFID Read & Write Software works with an Excel database for faster encoding of a large tag population - checkout the link on screen now for the video.


Thanks so much for joining us for this video about Reading UHF RFID Tags with the  Vulcan RFID Iron USB Reader. Remember to like this video and subscribe to our channel for more RFID videos, just like this one!